The factory is located at VSIP II IP, Binh Duong Province where has a lot of high-skill labors in steel fabrication and convenient traffic.
• The distance is around 1 hour traffic from the airport, sea port
• Production machinery is new, layout is arranged tidily.
• Area: 35.000m2
• Steel structure: 2.500 ton/month
• Steel welded wire mesh: 1.500 ton/month
• Purlin: 500 ton/month
• Sheeting panel: 200.000 m2/month
1. Marking
2. Inspection
3. Delivery to site
1. Shot blasting
2. Painting element
3. Inspection
1. Finishing welding element
2. Inspection
1. Straitening element
2. Inspection
1. Auto welding
2. Inspection
1. Auto cutting
2. Inspection
1. Drilling gusset plate
2. Drilling steel section
3. Inspection
1. Cutting steel plate
2. Inspection
1. Import steel plate
2. Import steel section
3. Inspection